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Brain Trust Formation

By bringing together the combined might of innovation offices, labs, researchers & distinguished engineers across the FINOS membership and beyond, we seek to develop a forum of accredited and trusted subject matter experts to open discourse on current emerging technologies & their readiness levels.


  1. Organisation or self-nomination of candidate based on Theoretical, Technical or Commercial experience or expertise in their discipline
  2. Evaluation of subject matter expertise through evaluation of:
    1. Education & Training
    2. Shared bodies of work
    3. Relevant skills & awards
    4. Demonstration of professionalism & ethics
    5. Evidence of continued professional development
  3. Upon successful evaluation, an invitation will be sent to join the brain trust for the relevant discipline
  4. Once you are a member of the brain trust, we will issue an accreditation to share with your network through GitHub & LinkedIn to prove your expertise

Expected Timeline

Intake phaseTimeline
Initial IntakeJune - August 2023
Ongoing IntakePart of monthly SIG meeting agenda